Thursday, June 23, 2011

Additions to the constellations of known skies

A few minor updates:

The investigations in the phenomenology of the infernal machine (previously promised in an earlier post here) are posted in english and turkish (far down, keep scrolling) in the "Destruction 2011 Final report"

Webpage for International surrealist exhibition in Reading, Pennsylvania, US january 2012 is now up.

Recent surrealist meeting in Athens including among other things a discussion and exhibition on the theme of "Surrealist survival kits" was a great experience and results will be popping up in different forums.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Limestone quarry phantoms

The surrealist group exhibition at the Nationalgalleriet, Skomakargatan 3 in Old Town, Stockholm, is at the moment of writing still open a few more days (-18/6) and among the sights to be seen there are the following:

(Some pictures from the opening are displayed at the swedish-language sister site)


Speaking of art, we should perhaps admit that the post at this blog of six months ago, listing sites of contemporary Swedish artists that we consider interesting for one reason or another, is being continuously updated (yet out of sight) with whomever gets in our way in a manner that results in some kind of spark. Check it out here.

Curtains of the palate

The ongoing surrealist group exhibition in Stockholm marks the first collaboration between the group and the film collective Gomfilm. Some info and a small smorgasbord for the palate is to be found at

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Symbiotic Lime-Stone Quarry Phantoms

– Yes my marble eyes are still working

The Surrealist group in Stockholm, with friends, invite you to their exhibition
Location: Nationalgalleriet, Skomakargatan 3 in Gamla Stan, Stockholm
Opening: Saturday June 11, 6pm to 9pm
Opening hours: June 12 – 18, 3pm t0 9pm

Paintings, drawings, collective projects, sound, scents, video sculpture and poetry readings near the place of the skull.

Book table in the gallery with publications from the 25-year history of the Surrealist Group.

Sphinx Bokförlag presents the newly republished Swedish translation of André Breton's surrealist manifestos.


Joel Abrahamsson
Christian Andersson
John Andersson
Johannes Bergmark
Peter Bigestans
Paul Cowdell
Christofer Dahlby
Jonas Enander
Kim Fagerstam
Çeren Findik
Merl Fluin
Mattias Forshage
Helgi Fridjonsson
Patrick Hourihan
Riyota Kasamatsu
C M Lundberg
Robert Lindroth
Emma Lundenmark
Niklas Nenzén
Eva Kristina Olsson
Sphinx Bokförlag
Theoni Tambaki
Tippi Tillvind
Ika Österblad

For full information:

Background info: