a collective work by the Stockholm surrealist group
executed in Yikkim 2011 exhibition in Istanbul may 2011 by Johannes Bergmark and Mattias Forshage,
(with integrated pre-cooked parts by Emma Lundenmark and Ika Österblad)
based on a long series of games, discussions and investigations in Stockholm, among CA, JA, EB, KE, JE, MF, EL, NN, IÖ, etc.

(nb the wrecking crane is not to be seen, since it was hiding on the balcony)

(detail: the route up the ladder from the bathtub)

(MF and JB playing on the machine)

Texts about the phenomenology of the infernal machine to appear elsewhere, while its metaphysics are treated in Swedish in a recent blogpost, its particular visual mechanism in the "behind the image" series to appear elsewhere...
• WiFi will be added to the network and team leaders in the factory will be issued with a WiFi enabled laptop. http://e44ufdz00r.dip.jp http://m6kefsy87b.dip.jp http://8pz2fhs768.dip.jp